On Tue, 24 Dec 2019 10:22:04 +1030 Phil phillor9@gmail.com wrote:
I use similar cables to programme Arduino boards and to read GPS data into my laptop without any problems. The laptop has three ports and I've tried them all and I only have one computer. I do have a Raspberry Pi, I wonder if that's worth a try?
I have a RPi but have never tried putting Chirp on it. Just installed it this afternoon and it runs just fine on my RPi3+.
The web site https://skars.co.uk/installing-chirp-on-the-raspberry-pi/ has a script that works just fine. (I didn't run the whole script, just copy & pasted what I needed). Change the date to the latest which is 20191221. On my Fedora desktop, I just use the wget command when ever I want to upgrade Chirp. Never have used the setup.py install script before but did on the Pi.
I seem to remember some talk sometime ago about the python-serial program not being install automagically when installing the python packages on some systems. You might check that on your computer.