Guy CHIRP works fine in Linux, but because it's now using flatpak it is inaccessible with ORCA screen reader.

I've instated it fine on Debian and Slackware.


Download the manufacturer's memory application.

I know CHIRP says that Wouxun KG-UV7D is supported by use KG-UV6 software, but maybe it doesn't support 6 meters. Just a thought, it probably does.

QSL.NET will give any amateur radio operator a web site and email reflector address suffixed with dot qsl dot net like and part of that gift they make includes ftp access which means you can upload your img file or any type of file (example k0lny.img) to and the download link will be and you could send that link to this list.

You need to be able to send the img file and that's the way to do it.

Linux has ncftp and other ftp transfer programs including just plain ftp.

Best wishes,


On Thu, Jun 9, 2022, 10:31 PM Guy Schlosser <> wrote:
Glenn, I'm glad you got that csv file from Windows, all be it with a lot
of effort. I really hope we can use chirp in Linux again soon. I love
the linux platform, for the freedom and security it brings with it.
Since my mac book air is nearing the end as far as updates go, I got
Ubuntu Linux working on it, and it runs like a champ. Have a great night
and 73.


On 6/9/22 15:37, K0LNY_Glenn wrote:
> Hey All,
> I plan on using all IMG files for my radios, but I wanted to add some
> frequencies to my Wouxun KG7D, it is a 2/6 meter HT.
> I'm using Chirp's KG6 option, since there is no 7 in the supported list, and
> the 7 is just an upgraded 6.
> Anyway, in the past, I only used a CVS file, so if someone can fix the
> attached file, for me, I can save it as an IMG, after uploading it to my
> radio.
> I can't use Chirp in Linux, but with a lot of effort in Windows using Jaws
> screenreader, I'm able to select radio, download and upload.
> I got this error with my Tyt 9800, and a list member was able to fix that
> CSV file for me, and he said some things weren't capitalized and perhaps
> missing values.
> I got the same error, when trying to import this file, it said "no
> channels".
> So it is attached and I hope someone here can detect what is wrong for me.
> Thanks.
> Glenn
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