I am trying the editcp software, it looks promising, I would like to not have to
run some windows thing or VM in order to do what the TYT software does.
Editcp reads my radio and when I look at all of the data it all looks good, but
when I save the cp I am getting errors, I am sending the screens to the author,
with those fixed I will be in good shape. 

On Mon, Jan 1, 2018 at 9:20 PM, Nigel A. Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF <nigel@ngunn.net> wrote:

You need all that with the manufacturer supplied software so what's the issue.

You need to know how to build a codeplug whichever software you use. 

First, the radio is like a "model 3" Motorola in that you need a zone/channel assignment. You'd need to implement this to use analog only.
Then, to do dmr, you need timeslot, color code, and contacts.
For each channel it will need an individual or group contact set, as well as an optional RX group list. You'll need to have the ability to edit the contacts and group lists.

Nigel A. Gunn, 1865 El Camino Drive, Xenia, OH 45385-1115, USA. tel +1 937 825 5032
Amateur Radio G8IFF W8IFF (was KC8NHF 9H3GN), e-mail nigel@ngunn.net www http://www.ngunn.net
Member of ARRL, QRPARCI #11644, SOC #548, Flying Pigs QRP Club International #385,
Dayton ARA #2128, AMSAT-NA LM-1691, GCARES, EAA382.

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