Hi….new to the list, with a question.
Using CHIRP 0.4.0 with a UV-82 that I recently purchased. In the .img file there are two tabs on the left, Memories and Settings. I found a wiki that pretty well describes the various columns along with how to set things up in Memories. However, there are quite a few things under ‘Settings’ and I have not found a wiki or other reference to those. Does one exist? I realize that many of these settings are not things that would be in need of change, but others I’d like to know more about. A simple example would be under ‘Advanced Settings’ is ‘Scan Resume’ with the options of CO, TO and SE??? There are other things as well, but that’s an example. Commercial radios I’ve used before have scan resume setting in number of seconds.
BTW, I have no intention of screwing up the radio by randomly changing things which aren’t well defined or explained. That’s why I’m asking here!
Thanks, Forrest