On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 12:40 PM, David Booth dvdbooth8@gmail.com wrote:
Hi, I am trying to program my BF-F8HP. In using CHIRP I get to Download from the radio. When I try to do this I can't find any commport number that works. Please help! Thanks, David
Before a communication port can be detected, there must be a complete and working connection between the radio and computer. You didn't say which operating system you are using so I will assume Windows.
With Windows, you should be able to access Device Manager to determine exactly which COM port was assigned to your programming cable.
Do you have the Baofeng Tech PC03 programming cable with FTDI chip? If not, then your programming cable most likely has a counterfeit copy of a Prolific chip. The device driver that is automatically installed when a Prolific chip is detected is intentionally incompatible with counterfeit Prolific chips.