From: Tom Hayward <>
To: Discussion of CHIRP <>
Sent: Saturday, February 16,
2013 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Chirp Support for Wouxun KG-UV920P
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 9:06 PM, N4AOF <> wrote:
> I also noted an entry in that New Model list for be BaoFeng UV-5RC with some
> further discussion about the history of the request but ending up with the
> same effect, blocked until some developer has one. I found this rather odd
> since the BaoFeng UV-5RC is the same radio as the rest of the BaoFeng UV-5R
> family with just a different case on the outside but the same hardware and
> firmware inside. From the data listed in the entry, it appears that there
> is ONE user complaining repeatedly that Chirp crashes when reading data from
> his radio. I'm going to check with the UV-5R user group to see if anyone
> else is having any problem with this model.
Yep, this is just a problem with his single radio. The way we start
fix bugs is by reproducing them ourselves, then examining what
happened. This bug is only happening on his radio so we have no idea
what is going wrong or how to fix it.
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