
Here is a link to the CHIRP page in the UV5R website.

There are also CHIRP Guide and Example links on that page.
I do need to make a small update later this morning to the 'Others' section but that will be minor.
Feel free to use these in your presentation.

I hope this helps.

John K3NXU 

Sent via iPadX

On Jan 25, 2013, at 7:44 AM, IZ3GME Marco <> wrote:

Hi all
in a few weeks I'm going to organize a presentation of chirp at local
club. The idea is to show how it works (from end user point of view),
how to use it with different radios and then have a quick look on what
supporting a new model mean.

Before to reinvent the weel, is there any one that have slides or
similar docs (maybe from previous presentation) that can save me some work?

More, any suggestion for the "user point of view" will be greatly


73 de IZ3GME Marco

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