Oh and BTW, I also tried installing the daily build after 0.3.1 didn't work
(as indicated in the log...)

On Saturday, March 1, 2014 3:03 PM, Dave Ritchie <deritchie@yahoo.com> wrote:
   tried installing stable MacOS package. This is a first time install on
my MacBook , installed stable 0.3.1, died due to missing KK7DS python package. Installed that.

Fails with the following message in debug.log:

Registered Wouxun_KG-UVD1P = KGUVD1PRadio
Registered Wouxun_KG-UV6 = KGUV6DRadio
Registered Wouxun_KG-816 = KG816Radio
Registered Wouxun_KG-818 = KG818Radio
Icon /usr/share/pixmaps/chirp.png not found
Initialized MacOS support
/Users/dritchie/Downloads/chirp-daily-20140222.app/Contents/MacOS/../Resources/chirp/chirpw:146: PangoWarning: error opening config file '../Resources/etc/pango/pangorc': No such file or directory


What now? I see that pango is a graphics package for doing font rendering in an platform agnostic way.. but before I go off and install that, I thought I should ask what the recommended way of doing this is. Macports, perhaps?

73, Dave N4DJS

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