It's usually  /dev/ttyUSB0

Make sure you're a member of the dialout group.

On 04 April 2019 at 00:51 Dan Clemmensen <> wrote:

I'm a bit surprised that it's /dev/ttyACM0. on my (non-Debian) Linux, that would be assigned to a modem a fake modem such as an OTG-connect3d phone or something like that. Check this by first unplugging the cable from the comouter and then doing:
   ls /dev/tty*
Then plug the cable back into the computer and repeat the command. a new device should have appeared. That's the device for your cable.
  on my computer, USB serial dongles get addresses like /dev/ttyUSB0

On Wed, Apr 3, 2019 at 9:35 PM Dennis Carr <> wrote:

Running a Yaesu Ft-70DR that just arrived today.  First thing's first:
download to Chirp!  Running daily 20190221 on Debian current stable,
using the builds from the website.

Just one problem - it didn't download.

After following instructions (battery off, DC and USB in (specifically
the USB cable that came with), hold AMS key while powering on, select
Download option, set the right options (/dev/ttyACM0, Yaesu FT-70D)),
hit the BAND button so it says TX, and... activity.  It times out, radio shows ERROR.

Long and short, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong here.  So in

* What am I missing?
* What other information is needed from me to properly answer?


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