Thanks for the information on the radio.
-----Original Message----- From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com [mailto:chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of chirp_users-request@intrepid.danplanet.com Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:11 PM To: chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Subject: chirp_users Digest, Vol 59, Issue 55
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Beginner;s Guide and missing links (Robert Terzi) 2. Beginner's Guide template (Mike Agner) 3. Saving file from Kenwood TM-V71 (Eugene Douglas) 4. Re: Saving file from Kenwood TM-V71 (Tom Hayward) 5. Re: Saving file from Kenwood TM-V71 (Milton Hywatt) 6. Beginners Guide template addition (Mike Agner)
Message: 1 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:14:11 -0500 From: Robert Terzi rct@r-t.org Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Beginner;s Guide and missing links To: Discussion of CHIRP chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Message-ID: 52910C93.7020006@r-t.org Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 11/23/2013 2:30 PM, Mike Agner wrote:
Once all that is done, then each model of radio can point to the page(s) that apply to it, and ignore those that don't.
I'm not sure if you are just talking about the organization of the wiki pages, or links from the radio specific (driver) code to launch the correct page on the wiki. However, the later is something I've thought about a little, but never suggested because I didn't think there would be enough critical mass in documentation.
It could be helpful if from Chirp there was the possibility to launch a radio specific web page on the wiki for help:
- before starting the download from radio - before starting the upload to the radio - after a download or upload has failed for troubleshooting advice
The help menu should also have an entry to launch the radio specific wiki help page.
This means there should be a little planning in how the wiki pages are named. There should be (some) correlation to the radio driver since it will have to generate the URL. The radio specific pages on the wiki should be in their own name space. I don't know what redmine's capabilities are, the "name space" could be as simple as prepending a prefix like "Radio-" for all of the radio specific help template pages.
The rationale for this that I believe many people will attempt to use the software before looking for or reading any documentation.
Message: 2 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 16:14:07 -0500 From: Mike Agner ka3jjz@comcast.net Subject: [chirp_users] Beginner's Guide template To: chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Message-ID: 52911A9F.3050706@comcast.net Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I'm not sure if the formatting is going to make it thru the email software, but here's a first cut at a template for each radio. Don't worry about the encoding around the titles - that's all MediaWiki formatting. Some of these titles we already have in the wiki - there are several that we don't. To me this is pretty comprehensive, but I'll let you guys/gals be the judge. Anything with an arrow is a comment for additional data to be added.
==Getting Started==
* [[Beginner's Guide]] * [[FAQ]] * [http://chirp.danplanet.com/download/0.3.0/Model_Support.html Features Supported in (this model)] * Put the link from miklor.com for the radio here (if available)
==Making the Connection==
* [[CableGuide]] * [[CableGuide FTDO OEM Cables]] * [[FAQ Adjusting the Serial Port Settings in Windows]] -----> Add how to access Device Manager in Windows to this article (all versions). This data is mostly available on the RadioReference wiki * What is the original manufacturer cable number? * Are there other known compatible cables (Yes/No)? ** If yes, please list Make and Model number:
==Prepare the Radio== * Is this radio a 'clone mode' radio (Yes/No)? ** If Yes, state the keystrokes and/or menu items needed to put the radio into clone mode:
==Using CHIRP== * [[Downloading a Template from the Radio]] * [[Editing the Template]] ------> The MemoryEditorColumns article would be linked from here ------> Are there any special keystrokes for special functions (like repeating data down a column)? If there are, list in this article * [[Uploading a Template to a Radio]]
==Importing/Exporting Data== ===Importing File Formats=== * [[Importing EVE files] * [[Importing Kenwood HMK files]] * [[Importing Kenwood Commercial ITM format files]] * [[Importing Icom icf files]] * [[Importing ARRL Travel Plus tpe files]] * [[Importing VX5 Commander Files]] * [[Importing VX7 Commander Files]]
==Importing Data from External Sources== * [[Importing Data from RadioReference]] * [[Importing Data from RepeaterBook]] * [[Importing Data from przemienniki.net]] * [[Importing Data from RFinder]]
===Importing/Exporting Comma Separated Values (CSV) Data=== * [[CSV HowTo]] * [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcX9XM5NJxs How to create a CSV file in Chirp (YouTube)]
==YouTube Programming Videos== * List all the YouTube programming links here
==Help Topics== * [[How to Get Help]] * [[How to Report Issues]] * [[Rules for Loaning a Radio]]
If a topic doesn't apply because the radio doesn't support it, or CHIRP doesn't support it for this radio, it would be dropped. The template would be editable for this purpose.
Are there topics I missed? Now is the time to speak up.
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Message: 3 Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 16:28:35 -0600 From: "Eugene Douglas" eugene.douglas@gmail.com Subject: [chirp_users] Saving file from Kenwood TM-V71 To: chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Message-ID: 52912c12.6a94b60a.0216.fffff1ce@mx.google.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
How do you save file from Kenwood V71. I can not access the save and save as button. Thanks
Gene Douglas
N?OER, Amateur Radio Station 18.130
SFC,U.S. Army (RET)
mailto:eugene.douglas@gmail.com eugene.douglas@gmail.com