At 09:33 11/30/2012, Tom White wrote:
I maintain a repeater database of 25,000+ servers worldwide, integrated with google mapping.
That's good
My goal is to provide file exports in as many formats as I can. So my real concern is just to provide a way to get data into the software package.
That's good too. But it appears that your efforts to mimic TPE format were unsuccessful, which is why Tom Hayward wanted to know if you had any such problem with genuine TPE format files. From what you said, my guess is that the answer is no.
Is there any other format that would work better for imports into CHIRP?
Well my guess is that all formats work fine if they are correctly adhered to. CSV is one of the simplest, and probably easiest to model and debug if you have problems with it. In your case, that is where I would start with CHIRP support. Good luck.