All of the above just goes to confirm why I will NOT buy Yaesu. They sold boat load of C4FM repeaters most of which are doing analog because they are not connected to the net. Yes you can use a MMDVM and build your own, but go buy a non-yeasu radio that supports their closed protocol.
I purchased a D-Star handheld from HRO in Portland back in 2008, it was years before I got to use it on D-Star and it is an open protocol but no manufacturer wanted to support it. Even now only Kenwood is producing radios that do D-Star.
I have had to deal with RT-Systems and I did not care for their "our way or the highway " attitude.
In amateur radio we are SUPPOSED to open things up change them use other bits and pieces on them, those who demand a walled garden should not get our money. Yaesu is outstanding in that way. Indeed I have always associated them with box operators, not nitty gritty hams who want to dig into the technical side of things.
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:03 PM Sid Hayn wrote:
I would wager that my driver sends the same everything as well. Honestly never checked, never bought the RT systems software.
The cable voltage issue is a wild guess, which at least made more sense to me than anything else.
On Fri, May 24, 2019, 22:54 Dan Clemmensen wrote:
Since your CHIRP driver almost certainly send exactly the same that the Yaesu software would send, It's likely that you woold have seen the same reslult if you had been using the Yaesu software. This is speculation on my part. A spike on a USB-to-serial cable is not very likely unless you somehow had a ground loop?
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 7:39 PM Sid Hayn wrote:
I helped write the Yaesu VX-3R driver
About a year after that, (and using the radio a good bit) the radio appeared to lose power while I was writing to it. The battery was tested and charged, still no love. I sent it to Yaesu and the replaced some minor part (*not* the flash) but sadly I don't have the documentation on what anymore. After they sent it back to me I didn't use it as much (I had more radios by this point). About a year ago I started using it more heavily and 6 months ago the same thing happened (with the writing and the dying).
In no way do I "blame chirp". In fact, I'd more likely blame a problem with the cheap cable possibly having voltage spikes and the radio not being designed to handle a small voltage spike over the serial and shorting something out. That said, twice my vx-3r has died while writing to it from chirp.
Thanks, Rick
PS> I don't sell anything, I don't work on radios for a living, and I love chirp. I don't believe there is any possible way someone could suggest I'm biased aside from unlucky personal experience.
On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 12:22 AM JOCK SOUTAR via chirp_users wrote:
Never bricked any of mine. Could it be the operator rather than the radio?
On Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Dennis Wage <> wrote:
Chirp has bricked Yeasu radios?
I know what I think. What's the real truth?
Dennis M. Wage (W9BOQ)
245 Corum Hill Road Castalian Springs, TN 37031 (615) 310-4242 Cell (615) 562-5128 Home _______________________________________________ chirp_users mailing list This message was sent to Jock at To unsubscribe, send an email to
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