When I transfer to the radio all the frekvencies are transferred correctly, however the name in the first line is transfered to line (chanel) 0, 2 and 3. Only the name in line 1 (chanel 1) is transfered correctly to the radio. Can you please advise what I need to do in oder to get the names to transfer correctly?
Hi Torbjørn,
The top (A) display line and bottom (B) display line are independent. They are not automatically synchronized. So when you cycle through the channels of the currently selected display line (the selected display line is the one with the black triangle to the left), the channel in the display line that is not selected does not change (you can see this by watching the small channel numbers to the right edge of each display line). So if you want (A) and (B) to both be set to channel 3, you must manually change them both to channel 3.