It was done with the Alinco DOS software, I can send you a copy if you need it to open the files, I tried opening the saves in Notepad, and it's gobbledygook. I've attached both save files, only difference is one has the channel setting, one frequency. Really appreciate any help you can give, if I hadn't lost my serial cable I'd probably be OK. CHIRP is much easier to enter data into than the DOS program!
Okay, well, adding support to chirp to manipulate that function is a can of worms, but if you download your radio and send me a .img file, I can try tweaking the bits to change the mode and send it back to you for testing.
Also, did you ever get a Quansheng handheld for testing/programming? Bob Chimel said he was going to send you one, several of us bought radios from him last summer and they're great, but it seems no one but me can use the software that came with them.
Nope, haven't heard anything about that.