On Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 10:35 AM Tall Pine Construction tallpineomaha@gmail.com wrote:
i looked thru faqs and lists didnt find info. i have 2 Baofeng uv-82hp radios and they will not switch to channel mode. i hold down menu button and switch off/on power. powers up everytime in frequency mode. i uploaded info to radios using chirp and can download from radios.
This is most likely due to you performing a RESET on one or both of the radios. Performing a menu 40 (RESET) on a UV-82HP switches the radio to VFO mode and disables the "VFO/MR Switching" setting. Don't ever perform a RESET on a UV-82HP unless you have a computer running CHIRP and a working programming cable close by.
After download from the UV-82HP, CHIRP inherits this VFO/MR Setting as "disabled". Until you enable the setting in CHIRP, uploading the image into any UV-82HP radio will disable the setting preventing the radio from switching between VFO and MR modes.
Settings -> Advanced Settings -> VFO/MR Switching (BTech UV-82HP only). [X]