Hello chirp folk My first time using chirpw - not yet totally working yet. The mission was to program a Baofeg Radio ---------------------------------------------------------- Platform is Linux (Mint - Ubuntu based) chirpw does install OK in /usr/bin It also runs from $HOME/bin if I put a copy there.
I check with "lsusb" to see that the USB device is seen OK, and all is well. 1. Firstly, I get a permissions refusal on attempting the communication. "An error has occurred [Errno 13] could not open port /dev/ttyS0"
2. If I run chirpw from a terminal, I get message: (process:5560): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:09:24.416: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale. Gtk-Message: 10:09:24.418: Failed to load module "atk-bridge"
I check to see libatk-bridge2.0-0 is present - and all is well Also libatk-bridge2.0-dev is there I do not understand why the module is not loaded. The messages seem to come from a process that is named like a LAN network address which keeps changing except for the first number "10". It might some GTK process -------------------------------------------------------------- Have I done something catastrophic? Maybe missed out something essential? Thanks if you can help My regards all