Thanks, John. I was hoping that was the case. I will download the latest version of Chirp and program my new radio when it arrives.

Bob DeFranco

On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 7:20 PM, John LaMartina <> wrote:

There’s no risk at all. It’s just not mentioned on the CHIRP home page.




From: [] On Behalf Of D.J.J. Ring, Jr.
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2017 9:36 PM
To: Discussion of CHIRP
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Programming a BTECH UV-50X2


There's some mention of that model on this page:




Only this models are officially supported:


  • GMRS-V1
  • UV-2501
  • UV-2501+220
  • UV-5001
  • UV-50X3
  • UV-5X3

It's your radio, if you want to take the risk using CHIRP on an unsupported radio, go ahead.  The worst that could happen is that you convert a functioning radio into a brick of non functioning plastic.  You can always buy a new radio.




David N1EA


On May 8, 2017 9:13 PM, "Bob DeFranco" <> wrote:

I just ordered a BTECH UV-50X2 and was going to download the latest version of ChiRP to program it. Looking at the list of supported radios, however, I see the UV-50X3 and the UV-5001 (the predecessor to the UV-50X2) but not my radio. Which model should I select? I suppose I could just try different ones and see which works, but I worry about bricking the radio. Any advice?


Bob DeFranco

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