I have zero problems with ads Dan. Just as long as they aren't associated to malicious payloads that you are confused how to opt-out of or are well disguised otherwise. It's just common sense right? We all realize bandwidth costs money. And bar a pay-wall you get your bucks for the bandwidth via ads. Not rocket science. However these big giant DOWNLOAD NOW buttons even though residing under an Advertisement disclaimer in much finer print is on the threshold of foul play. You know it, I know it, many do know except the few who fall prey for the scam. If you don't like my view on this, too bad. It's my opinion and I don't fear expressing it.
You should express it to Google, as they supply the ads. They provide a feedback link, so use it. Everyone sees different ads, tailored to what Google thinks the viewer is likely to want. I have relatively little control over what gets displayed there.
Navigating the internet these days requires a certain amount of common sense and care, especially if you run an operating system susceptible to things like this. It's just a fact of life that if you do nothing but click the nearest green "download" button that you're probably already infected with something and are probably waiting for the IT department of your bank to "verify your account."
Thanks to Tom for altering the download page for more clarity. The size of the download button is pretty comical and I don't think I want it to stay quite that big forever, but right now it seems quite apropos.