Have you tried selecting (highlighting) all of the data in all the fields, all the lines, then doing a copy and paste into a blank data form STARTED UP as for the destination radio ?
A quick way to select ALL data in the source data report is to select one line, then type [ctrl]-a (shortcut to select all), then type [ctrl]-c to copy, exit chirp, start it again and read from the destination rig, select one row, do [ctrl]-a again to select all, then paste the copied content from the process before into this ALL selected area by typing [ctrl]-v
You can also pick-n-choose individual records (rows) to transfer by holding the [ctrl] key and clicking the mouse button.
Not sure if this will work for you, but I've used this process to copy from a Baofeng UV82 to a UV5R, and it worked fine.
That will give you the basic frequently data, you'll still need to do any 'settings' directly from the second page
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Hi, I am trying to move Baofeng data to a Yaesu ft-7900R. If I load the Baofeng data into Chirp It selects Baofeng in the upload box and I cannot change it as it is grayed out. Any help anyone can provide will be appreciated.Thanks, Joe - K5WAS
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