In many places, you don't need to pay for a monitor at all. Check your local Freecycle list, or the free section of Craigslist. People are giving away monitors (and TVs) all the time.Martin.KD6YAM_______________________________________________On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 5:17 PM Chuck Hast <> wrote:Ken, in this case I do not have a junk box, but there isan IT recycler (actually several) in town and they allhave monitors and are more than glad to part with themfor a few $$. I think if people will look around they willfind that most cities of any size will have them and alot of computer shops end up with a collection of mon-itors for the which they will gladly part for a few $$.Even in more rural areas, I am going to bet that morethan one shop has monitors that they would like to berid of, they work but perhaps are not the best for theusual video but for a Chirp/ RPi setup they wouldwork great.I see the IT recyclers here send them to grind up, somany monitors and so little space. If they get a few$$ for them that is more than they get when they aresent to the grinder.When I talk about scrounging, it is not necessarily inmy junk box, if people will look a wee bit they will findthat there are a lot of ways to keep costs down. MostTV's have HDMI inputs now and for Chirp they workpretty well, even small ones.On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 2:45 PM Ken Hansen <> wrote:Chuck,_______________________________________________My $100 number started with an RPi 400, not a 'traditional' RPI.RPi 400 - $70Mouse - $7Power adapter - $7HDMI cable -$7 (microHDMI to standard HDBI)Name-brand MicroSD card - $7That gives you $98 plus monitor, or simply get the RPi 400 'complete kit' for $100 and get a nice book also.Substitute a 2 Gig RPi 4 (assuming you can find one):RPi - $45Case for RPi 4 - $5Keyboard - $20 (I too like Logitech K400)Power adapter - $7HDMI cable -$7 (microHDMI to standard HDBI)Name-brand MicroSD card - $7That gets you to $91 plus monitor.Either path takes you close to $100, esp once you add in tax, s/h, etc.It's nice that you have a junk box that has all the needed items so you can 'scrounge' them, but it's disingenuous to assume everyone else has a similar junk box.Ken, N2VIPOn Jan 25, 2022, at 06:14, Chuck Hast <> wrote:I buy a Logitech K400 which has a touchpad on it for about $20at Walmart or other places that sell them. I either use a repurposedTV or go to the local IT recycler and get me a monitor for $5-$10.You do not need that much SD card for Chirp so that will cost lessthan $10. So far I still am not near $100. Part of being a ham islearning to scrounge. Part of running a RPi is also learning toscrounge. For travel I carry a RPi the keyboard and an HDMI cableand use the HDMI port on the TV in the hotel.On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 12:46 AM Ken Hansen <> wrote:You need to add a screen, a mouse, a power supply, and an SD card.
The screen can get pricey pretty fast - money saved by buying a smaller screen will soon be spent on a pair of 'readers' to use the smaller screen.
I'm a big fan of RPi, but people like to gloss over the actual cost of such a setup.
An RPi 400 (Pi in a keyboard) setup can easily run $100 + monitor, cheaper than a new laptop, but pretty close to low-end, off-lease corporate laptops.
Ken, N2VIP
> On Jan 24, 2022, at 10:00, Chuck Hast <> wrote:
> And for the price
> of a RPi 400 you just need to add a screen and you
> are off to the races...
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