Hi Chuck,
My first time on here, I have been watching for a while though. I am in full agreement with Dale here, I have a 92AD and notice that I have to go through the same thing. There should be a place to configure the radio and com port.
Yep, fully agree, I've just not had time to get it added and other features have taken precedence.
I too would like to see a larger size than 25, perhaps make it user settable too?
Well, you can change the 25 number each time and see more, but yes, I'd like to have that be a preference as well.
I also notice that the [dowload from radio] does not have the 9x radios is this due to the fact that it pulls the radio data down when you issue the connect?
Right, the "Download from radio" does a clone operation. The 91 and 92 radios do not support that action, which is why you have to connect to them live.
I am working up in Kalama, WA. If you need to test on a 92AD I can always head down that way for a few hours if we are not too busy in the plant. That is until they ship me out of here to another customer location. Also usually much more time available on weekends when I do not fly home.
Thanks, but I've got a 92 to work with. Plus, the 91 and 92 are identical in all aspects, from CHIRP's point of view at the moment.