On Sun, Nov 24, 2019, 4:16 PM Darby Collier <collier.darby@gmail.com> wrote:
Trying to program Uv50X2 and since this last update,  it will not offer the option to set any of the menu items anymore such as scanning options etc. It will take the programming of channels and names but does not offer any menu options. Then when I revert to an old img file, it does not recognized the menu items that are in place from before so the channels I program via work mode do not program. I've tried doing a reset of both "ALL" and "VFO" only via the onboard menu but it still is not doing a hard factory reset. Help!!!!

Hi Darby,

Your radio has flipped a bit in memory that has caused 1or more settings to be out-of-range.

Email a CHIRP Radio Images (*.img) to me or attach it here and I will correct it and send it back to you.