One of my radios is a Baofeng UV-3R... and it does not support displaying a NAME, rather, only a frequency on the display. However, it would be very helpful if CHIRP would allow the display of a name within the software, even if it is never uploaded to the radio. This would just be a visual reminder about what the frequency is.
I doubt you'll have any trouble getting folks to agree that they would like this :)
It's an oft-requested feature, but it's not as easy as it sounds because CHIRP stores raw radio images. If the radio doesn't have a spot for the name (or a comment) then there's no easy place to store that information without making the image incompatible with the actual radio. I've been thinking about a way to support this in a generic manner, but it will require some work under the covers to implement. There are several other things on the list ahead of this, but I'll get to it at some point.