As documented in my original post, the OS is LINUX MINT 12 -- not Ubuntu.

If the directions on the webpage that says how to get the daily build are incorrect, shouldn't they be updated? 

The DB9 serial cable was purchased from Yaesu and is specifically made for this radio.  This cable worked fine when programming the FT-60 using the same laptop, with Windows XP Professional and the 3rd party programming software supplied by Yaesu.  The cable and rig have not changed in any way.  I don't suspect any fault with the cable.

I will try the real daily build when I find the energy.

Marcia NU6N

On 05/27/2013 10:39 AM, Dan Smith wrote:
I see you are receiving the 15 March build when using apt-get. Don't
use apt-get, go directly to this web page and download the
tar.gz file. That will get you the 24 May build - or later if it gets
updated before you get around to downloading. Run the chirpw file from
the directory created when you unpack the daily build, not the one
in /usr/bin.
The reason she's getting the older build is because she's running an
old and unsupported version of Ubuntu (Oneiric 11.10). Using the PPA
(via apt-get) _is_ the proper and preferred way for Ubuntu users to
receive the builds.

If you still get a failure, at least you can say you've
tried the latest build.
Nothing has changed in the FT-60 driver or supporting code in a very
long time, so I do not expect any difference by upgrading to the latest
version. I expect that the problem is, as others have noted, related to
the cable and/or USB hardware being used here.

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