Only one version of the AP510 firmware is supported by Chirp, and at this point that version is a few behind. I'd recommend updating your AP510 to the latest firmware and using the manufacturer's software to configure it.

Here's a link to the firmware:

If you're not a member there, I'd recommend joining. Lots of things about the AP510 are not easily discoverable, and they're all discussed at that group.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Tim Miranda <> wrote:
Hi -

I apologize if this has been asked and answered.

I got my Sainsonic APR510 APRS device up and running today using the manufacturer's config software on my win7 laptop, but I heard that daily-20151212 version of CHIRP had support for changing the "settings" of this device, and since I love CHIRP, I thought I'd try.

Unfortunately, no matter what combination of power-on/power-off/disconnect/connect, I couldn't get it to succeed when doing a Radio->Download from Radio.

My com port is COM4, and I know that works with the manufacturer's web site, but when I try to Download From Radio with CHIRP, it appears to start the download, make it almost all the way through (according to the progress bar), but then a popup shows "An error has occured: '00'" and it fails to download.

Inline image 2

Any ideas?


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