26 Sep
26 Sep
9:53 a.m.
On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Angad Gill angadsinghgill@gmail.com wrote:
Hello CHIRP Developers!
Love the software! I am a Python programmer and a Ham. My first HF rig -- FX-9A -- is on its way. I would like to do my bit and contribute to the CHIRP software. How do I go about adding this new rig to the software?
Thanks! Angad KK6ISH
Hi Angad,
I don't see anything that says this rig is computer programmable. But assuming that it is, you will want to join the chirp_devel mailing list and get a copy of the OEM software so you can reverse engineer how it functions.
There are also some pages on the CHIRP website with tips on how to get started as a developer.