The Chirp source code is available on GIT.

Download and take a look at it.

You'll find all sorts of neat info buried within it.

I did this to create my own tool to program/clone radios with an Arduino.

73 - Bill KA8VIT/W8COD

On 10/05/2021 3:53 PM Eric <> wrote:

David,  I do understand how Chirp works and have been using is successfully for quite a while now. 

I was asking because I was considering creating a tool that would allow me to read the contents of the file and export it to a human-readable file for reference purposes. 

I can do that now with Memory files through Chirp, but cannot do it with settings from the radio.



Bill Chaikin, KA8VIT
Chief Radio Operator
WW2 Submarine USS COD SS-224 (NECO)
USS COD Amateur Radio Club - W8COD