Try RT Systems software...not too expensive and worth it. I use it for my Yaesu FT3D and it work great. You do need a special cable OR you can remove the SD card from the HT and insert it into yore computer, program the SD card then put back in HT and wahla!!
On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 8:52 PM Frank Kohn wrote:
Hello, I am using a FTDI USB Cable from Valley Enterprises to connect my Macbook Pro to an Yaesu FT-60R. It worked great initially, but since upgrading to the latest CHIRP build, I have been unable to program my FT-60R or even begin by downloading the channel image from the radio.
I downloaded and reinstalled KK7DS_Python_Runtime_R10.pkg, FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_4_2, and chirp-unified-daily-20200207
I followed the procedures for downloading the memory for my radio and received a message saying: *A error has occurred**Failed to communicate with radio**Reading block 0 was short (62)
*Can anyone help me get this to work.
Thank you, Frank
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