I noticed the same thing...in a sense. I can right mouse click (RMC) a field and paste into it, but I can't ctrl-x, c, v in a field. I can ctrl-a, though. The Kenwood program is similar...RMC is OK, but an attempt to ctrl-v garners an error. The error there is misleading, so it took me some gambling to figure it out.
The ctrl keys here would be nice...Windows 10 Pro x64.
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On 2016-05-25 11:40:-0700, Dennis Carr wrote:
Greetings! New user here, Still getting used to the software so I can get back on the air after eight years of no radio. (It sucked.)
While working the software and rearranging a few layouts (using a BF-F9V2+), I noticed that Ctrl-X seems to behave much like Ctrl-C: it will copy, but it will not delete the original memory location once I have pasted elsewhere using Ctrl-V. I'm using XFCE on Debian Jessie at this time and running the daily from 20160517. This seems to be the only program where there are issues.
Any words on this?
Thanks, -Dennis KE7KIF