thanks dan! yep, i can tell at a glance that the daily build covers exactly the frequency range of my uv6x, but not near the freq range of my uv6d. does this mean i shouldn't use chirp with the uv6d until this has been resolved? or does it just mean that channels outside the 'official' range won't get transferred?
> how do i find out what freq range chirp thinks the uv6x currently has?Every build has this report in it:
> the radio overview page doesn't seem to cover the daily builds.
Remember that in order for CHIRP to support a radio, it must be
reverse-engineered. That means getting hands on devices in order to
figure these things out. If something is not supported that you want,
mention it to your vendor. At $50/radio they have the unique ability to
provide a sample for development fairly easily, and some vendors (Import
Communications) has done this in the past.
Dan Smith
chirp_users mailing list