4 Jul
4 Jul
1:48 p.m.
When I use Chirp to set radio channels, there are many columns I cannot let empty, unless I cannot save it or uploat to radio. Most repeaters here have no subtone and I cannot let tone column empty, or null or zero. In chirp, there is a preseted tone list from 67.0 to 254.1. When I power on the transceiver in frequency mode and ajust to repeater channel, I can hear people talking normally. When I power on in channel mode and choose the respective channel with the same frequency, I cannot hear people talking. Pearhaps, tone values are wrong and in most cases they are unnecessary. How to I solve this? I have a Baofeng UV-82 WITH 8 Watts (HP). Firmware 3 KEY: N822413 6 KEY: 140902N