You won't see your own replies in Gmail. Just send a reply to any list message
that involves group discussion. If you want to check to see that it appears on the list spool
go to the message archives and look:

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Benton <> wrote:
On 2014-05-15 11:54, Christian Schwarz wrote:
> a brief question,
> how does one reply to a email that was sent by the mailing-list? And

I think you just reply to the email as received.  That sends it back to
the list.  Or generate a new email by posting to

> does one see one’s own replies once posted?

In general, yes.  But I see you're using gmail.  There's been some
confusion in other lists as well.  I *think* the issue is that gmail
suppresses your seeing your own replies.

> thanks.
> Chris

Benton 15may14
IRLP stn7665

chirp_users mailing list