Glenn, thanks for your help again with the Orca and chirp issue. Question for you. Who should I file a bug with concerning Orca not reading when I tab past the memories tab, once I get an image downloaded or opened. Jim went through the file I sent him, and all settings look as they should. Very confused. Thinking of trying this on an older version of Ubuntu, since I still have 21.10 installed on my mac air. Just curious if I have same results. Have a great night, and an awesome weekend.
Guy Ke8JYP
Yeah, I am still using old Chirp on old Ubuntu, because I don't get it either.----- Original Message -----From: John KI4ROTo: CHIRP USERSSent: Friday, May 27, 2022 12:33 AMSubject: [chirp_users] Flatpak
I keep seeing references to this program but how I should use it is not at all obvious to me. I've tried asking it for help and even asked it for help with certain commands but none of it makes sense to me. I am not Linux literate by any stretch so please tell me step by step what to do.
73John KI4RO.
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