Try Band B
DV mode and then DV Set mode and then you shut of all GPS items, should be the solution.
Gary, KI4VLH

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 2:51 PM, James E. Wells (KDØAJZ) <> wrote:
I understand that the GPS has to be turned off to use Chirp. However I can not figure out if it is on or off or how to turn it off.
Anyone here have the ICOM 92AD? I have looked through the User Manual and it does not say anything about turning the GPS on or off.

James Earl Wells
Blue Springs Amateur Radio Club
Output 444.950 MHz Input: + offset PL=107.2 Hz
Output 147.015 MHz Input: + offset PL=151.4 Hz

Jackson County-Missouri ARES


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