On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 8:09 PM, chris p via chirp_users chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com wrote:
Hello to the group,
I searched the FAQ site but could not find this question..I am programming the uv-82hp. When I put in the receive freq, name, tone squelch, both tone frequencies, and so on they remain in their respective spots. But when I start to input the tones in the next line down, the tone or tones from the previous line disappear. I have to re put them in but the same thing happens with the current column. Thanks in advance for any help on this.
73's, de wa6cp-chris
What do you have Tone Mode set to? It sounds to me like you are putting "tones" into columns that are unused based on the Tone Mode selection. For example, if "Hide Unused Fields" is enabled, "Smart Tone Modes" is disabled and Tone Mode is "(none), then trying to put a tone in either the Tone and ToneSql columns will be futile because both columns are unused and will not hold any values.