On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 10:07 AM K0LNY_Glenn glenn@ervin.email wrote:
Hey All, I'm working on a CSV file to import into my Kenwood 2000, and I'm putting in a few commercial radio stations, and I am wondering about the FM stations. Will the Kenwood 2000 accept the WFM in the mode column, or do I need to use just FM? Thanks.
This would depend on the particular radio model and how the developer chose to support it. Unfortunately "Kenwood 2000" isn't an actual model number so I will assume that you are referring to a Kenwood TS-2000.
In this case the TS-2000 driver only supports "LSB", "USB", "CW", "FM" and "AM" in which case the FM would be the typical 25KHz channel spacing. The NFM (12.5KHz) and wider WFM (broadcast) bandwidths are not supported.
My Kenwood TH-F6a, on the other hand, supports "FM", "WFM", "AM", "LSB", "USB" and "CW".