I'm going to resurrect this since it seems as if the problem is the way the radio is programed. It's an older Baofeng UV-82L. The symptoms are simply that the radio receives and transmits properly on the local 2M HAM repeaters (where I'm KG5HEJ.) However it receives but transmits an unmodulated carrier on the GMRS frequencies (where I'm WQYM836)
If it didn't transmit at all, I'd say it was the radio. I'm aware of the problem of having used an external speaker/mic and 'something' locking up inside so it doesn't transmit - since it's working on one band and not the other (and I really don't want to try the external only to find I now have another problem) I think it's something in the radio's configuration.
The latest img file is attached. You can find the GMRS section from line 31-52.
Please don't hypothesize, I've already done plenty of that myself. If you see something, please let me know.