Hi Kurt
I'll give it another try tonight with the linux version. I think I have another cable and will give it a go too. I will say that after I have Chirp read the ND, there is a delay, then a beep and then the screen on the ND says ERROR.
I feel pretty sure is not a cable problem, it is a protocol problem! Good to know that the 817 raise an error. At the end of the clone in operation the radio is expected to play a "happy beep" and go back to the clone menu.
Please keep in mind this golden rule: if the clone operation from radio is not perfect don't even think to clone back!
Thing is, even with this funky read process, all of the memories are appropriately read and displayed on the computer screen in chirp.
This is because chirp didn't saw any problem in the clone operation, may be the radio sends a packet more than expected.
I'm going to investigate the log you sent, will let you know. Thanks
73 de IZ3GME Marco