Milton Hywatt wrote:
With a a 10% duty cycle I can hardly see any of these radios as a repeater of any kind. There is Motorola software that runs on XP but if you have a glitch while uploading the codeplug to the radio you will likely brick it. I think there is a Yahoo group for these radio and if you join you can get the software I think it's call Motorola Man. And probably get instructions to make a cable. If I remember the radio has an RJ45 connector and only two pins are used. But you better do some research if you are consider buying these radios. Just a friendly note from an old Motorola repair dude.
I'm glad to get some feedback about those GM 300's. I was considering buying them to set up a repeater ( temporary ) to use. What if you don't run those radios with full power.? I have a GE Master II that has a maximin of 100 watts out ( to a dummy load) but I only set it up to 45-50 watts to a dummy load at the site when I had it up. Wouldn't it be ok to run half or one quarter of maximin power out those Motorola's?