OK...   I'm dyin' here guys...
Be sure you have a pencil handy for those C-Tapes.
Ya GOTTA have the right tension...

Sent from BlueMail

On Aug 6, 2016, at 15:03, Jardy Dawson via chirp_users <chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com> wrote:

Only for TRS-80 Model 1 cassette tape.
Jardy Dawson
WA7JRD Ham Radio

Message relayed through The Senior Boston Relay Race baton pass.

On Aug 6, 2016, at 14:29, Bob Nielsen < n7xy@n7xy.net> wrote:

Is there an app to convert a tarball to punch cards or paper tape?

On 8/6/16 2:20 PM, John LaMartina wrote:

Al, Does Autocoder (1401) SPS, and ALC ring a bell?
Sure beat the 1620 plug board… :- )



From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com [mailto:chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Al Jones
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2016 4:44 PM
To: 'Discussion of CHIRP'
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Updating Chirp for the UV-82HP


Laughing at you Bruce., from your list of programming languages, that should date you date about my 70ish (or so).

My list looks like: ASM, APL, BASIC (of way too many varieties to count), C, COBOL, FORTRAN, RPG (ugh!), and I'm sure others ...  sure would be nice is things were as simple as they were in the old day ....  << smile >>



From: chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com [mailto:chirp_users-bounces@intrepid.danplanet.com] On Behalf Of Bruce LeGrande
Sent: Saturday, August 6, 2016 15:17
To: Chirp-Users List
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Updating Chirp for the UV-82HP


And I thought v0.4.0 was ancient...  lol
I am still receiving the SAME error with v0.4.1
I have downloaded chirp-daily-20160802.tar.gz
Sitting in '~/.install' directory
Next step please ?  <=====

I can't believe this seems like so much of a process.
I've set up Cat-5 Ether and wireless networks from
Slack v3.2 on up to v7, written and compiled source
on various distros, without major problems.
Coded in ASM, Fortran, Pascal, CoBOL, BASIC, and others.
Can't understand why this isn't flowing better...

But at this point I'm not assuming ANYthing...
I'm going to ASK, even is sounds like a silly question.
After the download, what is the next step ?

Sent from BlueMail

On Aug 4, 2016, at 23:29, Bob Nielsen <n7xy@n7xy.net> wrote:

Unfortunately 0.4.1 is ancient.  Get the latest tarball version at <http://trac.chirp.danplanet.com/chirp_daily/LATEST/>.

73, Bob N7XY

On 8/4/16 11:13 PM, Bruce LeGrande wrote:

Downloaded: chirp-0.4.1.tar.gz
Got v0.4.1 to run.
Tried to overlay the daily (0802) and re-run, but got the same errors as before.

UV-82HP is in the truck, will bring it in and try to reprogram it tomorrow.

73 4 now

Sent from BlueMail

On Aug 4, 2016, at 14:28, W Paul Mills <AC0HY@WPMills.com> wrote:

Chirp does not need compiling, just download tarball and unpack. Enter

the directory where unpacked and run ./chirpw







On 08/02/2016 08:11 PM, Bruce LeGrande wrote:



 I guess I left out the most important fact responsible for the error

 message, which is the OS on the NetBook is Debian Squeeze v6, to which

 doing a major update to is not an option.

 Have tried installing the latest version of Chirp under that, but there

 are just too many errors in compile making that not feasible.  And since

 there is no .Deb distribution package available, compiling source is the

 only option.


 That was my main reason for becoming interes

 ted in

a LiveBoot

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