Which operating system are you using. See below...

On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 5:49 PM, Susan Scott <sscott@iglou.com> wrote:
Good Folk,
Went to site, saved all items there as .jpg but 150% unsure how to use to programme my UV-5R HT.
Copied list off .jpg, as follows:

chirp-daily-20140921.app.zip     <- Mac OS X

chirp-daily-20140921,tar.gz     <- Linux

chirp-daily-20140921-installer.exe     <- Windows with installer (preferred for most)

chirp-daily-20140921-win32.zip     <- Windows without installer


Now What???  El Spouse said I had to do this myself, he declines to AbetAid&Assist.  I haven't had HT that worked since my IC2AT  & advent of PL tones everywhere (we both had those, El Spouse just bought another) -- never used to drive nails with, but could've.  Bought a Yaesu from local club mbr, but may not use it cuz  El Spouse does.
Do hope someone can advise me how; wd hate to let licence expire end of Nov 2015 just cuz unable to operate. 
33 just in case/73, Susie Scott N8CGM also <n8cgm@arrl.net>