On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 8:10 PM Anthony (N2KI) n2ki.ham@gmail.com wrote:
I plugged a Baofeng programming cable into a laptop running Windows 11 but Win11 does not have the drivers to support it. Anyone have a programming cable that works on both Windows 10 and 11?
Anthony (N2KI)
The PL2303HXA and PL2303TA chips that are common in programming cables are considered EOL (end of life) by the Prolific company. The driver that they supply to Microsoft to be installed by Windows is written to ignore the HXA and TA chips. To use your current programming cable all that you have to do is download, install and select the older (from 2007) Prolific v3.2.0.0 driver. This is what I have been doing for over 10 years. A link for the driver and instructions for installing it are on the Miklor website. https://www.miklor.com/COM/UV_Drivers.php
Another solution is to purchase another programming cable that was manufactured with a USB-to-Serial chip from any other chip vendor besides Prolific (FTDI, Silicon Labs and WCH). It is rarely mentioned in a listing which chip is in the cable when a Silicon Labs or WCH chip is used. It is almost always mentioned listing when an FTDI chip is used. So I recommend looking for a programming cable with an FTDI chip.