Thanks Jim, I'll try that here in just a little bit.

On Nov 18, 2015 7:58 PM, "Jim Unroe" <> wrote:
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Gary Runningbear
<> wrote:
> I just received my second uv-82 L today and in the process of trying to copy
> the image of the first radio into the new radio resulted in a error message
> stating that the software version of the image did not match the software
> version of the radio and would not load the image. Is there a way to bypass
> this is I am NOT looking forward to handloading 56 channels worth of
> information into the new radio by hand.

You download from radio #2 into CHIRP (or load a previously saved image from it)
Click File -> Import and then change the file mask from [CHIRP Files
(*.chirp)[ to [CHIRP Radio Images (*.img)]
Locate and loat the saved image from radio #1.
Make any needed changes in the Import From File menu and then click
the [OK] button.

If that is too much, then just download from both radios to create 2
tabs. Then copy-and-past the channels from the tab from radio #1 to
the tab from radio #2.

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