---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jon Gauthier <jon@sailbeausoleil.com>
To: chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:48:07 -0400
Subject: [chirp_users] Upgrading CHIRP on Ubuntu 23.04?
When trying to follow the upgrade instructions on the ChirpOnLinux
page, there seems to be an error or some information missing.
"Once chirp is properly installed, upgrades to newer versions are done
with two simple steps:
1. Download the newer .tar.gz file.
2. Run pip install --upgrade ./chirp-<version>.whl (use pipx if you
used it above)"
Since I'm running Ubuntu 23.04, I used "pipx" to install the latest
CHIRP. Today, a new version came out so I downloaded the latest .whl
version and ran
"pipx install --upgrade ./chirp-20230601-py3-none-any.whl"
But pipx doesn't have a "--upgrade" option to the install verb. If I
try pipx without the "--upgrade" option, it tells me:
'chirp' already seems to be installed. Not modifying existing
installation in '/home/jon/.local/pipx/venvs/chirp'. Pass '--force'
to force installation.
Should I "install --force" it? "pipx reinstall" doesn't work, since
the new version isn't installed yet. Should I remove the old package
"chirp 20230531" first then install the new one using:
"pipx install --system-site-packages ./chirp-20230601-py3-none-
Jon Gauthier - KB1HTW
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