The error of 110 Hz doesn't seem very significant but the 1,550 Hz error could cause some operational problems. Do the two different error levels relate to different shift directions?
I recently programmed some channels into a UV-5R+ manually and read the memory bank back with Chirp. There was no error in the offsets as read by Chirp. However I cannot use menu 26 to check the offsets in /Channel Mode/ as it always reports zero. I confirm the proper offset by using the reverse function which displays the shift but of course with 1 KHz limited resolution.
My firmware version is BFB927. I wonder what firmware version you have? (Easy to determine by holding the #3 key pressed during power up.)
I also wonder if there is a list of known problems with different firmware versions posted somewhere?
73 Tom VA7TA
On 16-02-28 12:00 PM, chirp_users-request@intrepid.danplanet.com wrote:
Message: 16 Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 19:12:05 +0000 (UTC) From: Adk Loverprogrock01@yahoo.com Subject: [chirp_users] offset precision To:"chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com" chirp_users@intrepid.danplanet.com Message-ID: 550474104.655095.1456686725490.JavaMail.yahoo@mail.yahoo.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Hi,I've just set up CHIRP and downloaded the memory channel list from my Baofeng UV-5RV2+. I notice that the offsets on my saved channels are not exactly what I expected to see.
For the channels where I have set the offset to 000.600 in the radio, it's showing 0.601550 or 0.599890 in CHIRP. For the channels where I have set the offset to 005.000 in the radio, it's showing 5.001550 or 4.999890 in CHIRP. My question is, do I need to make any changes to these offset entries before writing the image back to the radio?? Should I fix the entries to show the exact frequencies that I entered in the radio, or are the shifted frequencies correct? As a side note, I see that the default offset for channels that I have not set up are exactly 0.600000. I'm afraid to write an image back to the radio that could cause a problem so I thought it would be best to check first.