Thank YOU.

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018, 7:32 AM Frank <> wrote:
Congratulations on reaching your 10 year milestone with such a great piece of software!
As a fairly new Ham, it's made my life a lot easier.
Thank you!


On July 3, 2018 9:24:44 AM EDT, Dan Smith <> wrote:
Hi all,

I just wanted to share a milestone in the CHIRP project with the community. Ten years ago today, on July 3rd 2008, I made the first commit to the repository which started the chirp project:

It was just a rough bit of code that could talk to an Icom IC-92AD and I was apparently thinking of calling it "repidr". I do not recall what that was supposed to stand for, but by July 16th I had renamed it to CHIRP:

By July 19th, I was ready to make something available, which was just able to read and write CSV files, and talk to Icom IC-9x radios and the ID-800H. This was the first version 0.1.1:

I still remember the large stack of paper on the corner of my desk where I had written out tons of hex, all in pencil, erased and re-written many times, trying to decode the first few radio memories and looking for patterns to make it easier.

The project has come a long way since then, largely due to the help and involvement of other volunteers and users. While the first release supported two radio models, the latest one supports 228 distinct models, with more if you count the many clones that exist. The users mailing list has a fairly amazing 2892 people subscribed, from all over the world, representing a tiny fraction of the total user base.

So, I just want to thank all the people who have made CHIRP possible and successful. Especially contributors of code, bug reports, and test reports, but also people who have spent hours on this list helping others and being the support system that allows volunteer developers to focus on what they do best. Thanks to anyone who has ever sent a donation, as well as the commercial outfits who have contributed radios and other help. There are too many to name, but BaofengTech, BlueMax49ers, and Jetstream are a few that come to mind as having a substantial impact.

At the end of this email is a very rough list of all the code contributors to the project, extracted from the repository with minimal attempts to squash some duplicates. These are the rock stars that have gotten us to where we are today, so please join me in thanking them for spending their nights and weekends making this project the success that it is today!


Commits Contributor

1865 Dan Smith
240 Jim Unroe
189 Tom Hayward
188 Marco Filippi
137 Zach Welch
59 Jens Jensen
58 Pavel Milanes (CO7WT)
26 K. Arvanitis
15 Tyler Tidman
12 Richard Cochran
10 Dan Drogichen
8 Sean Burford
8 Rick Farina
8 Michael Wagner
8 Eric Allen
8 Brian Dickman
7 SASANO Takayoshi
6 Vernon Mauery
6 Ron Wellsted
6 Rhett Robinson
6 Ray Cielencki
5 Rick DeWitt
5 Keith Williamson
4 Tim Smith
4 Nicolas Pike
4 Mathias Weyland
4 IT2 Stuart Blake Tener, USNR (N3GWG)
4 David Griffith
4 Chris Fosnight
4 Angus Ainslie
4 Alexey K
3 Rick Farina
3 Leo Bärring
3 Jon K Hellan
3 Christopher Hoover
3 Ben Smith
2 Richard Birch
2 Nathan Crapo
2 Michal Demin
2 Louie Ilievski
2 Johan Adler
2 Dean Gibson
2 Cody P Schafer
1 Windsor Schmidt
1 Wade Simmons
1 Stuart Tener
1 Steve Conklin
1 Ryan Tourge K2RRT x
1 Robert Terzi
1 Robert Morris
1 Patrik Nilsson
1 nytowl
1 Nolan Darilek
1 nicolas jon pike
1 Mike Pittaro
1 Michal D
1 Michael Lippold
1 Mark Adams
1 Krystian SP6IT
1 Jeremy McDermond
1 James Lee N1DDK
1 Imuli
1 Eric Dropps
1 Ed Santiago
1 Declan Rieb
1 David Fannin
1 Dave Allan
1 Dale Tyler
1 Charles Stewart
1 Brett Bump
1 Brad Ackerman
1 Attilio Pannella
1 Andrew
1 Adam Coddington
1 ac2lq
1 Aaron Pelly

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