They are :-)  The Y cable that came with the radio has RJ45 for the mic, and two different size jacks.  It looks exactly like the two different size jacks on the cable for my other Baofeng, and that cable snaps in.  I literally cannot plug the data jack into the smaller jack... it is too big.

And the CIRP I'm running is "CHIRP next-20230712 on Python 3.8.10 wxPython 4.0.7 gtk3 (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.0.4"

On Sun, Jul 16, 2023 at 9:44 AM Jim Unroe <> wrote:
> The two plugs are different sizes.  The data cable only fits in one.

They are not. The speaker/mic port is a 3.5MM TRRS socket with a black
ring. The DATA port (closest to the fan) is a 3.5MM TRS socket with a
silver ring. It is clearly marked "DATA" above it.

> And my Help menu has no such options.  All I see is About, Developer Mode, Reporting Enabled (which is checked), and "Load module from issue"
> I turned on Developer Mode, but still don't see options for debug logs.

It doesn't sound like you have the latest CHIRP-next running.

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