It's so true, George. I appreciate both your comments. I'm one who is not as knowledgeable as most on this thread, so I'm grateful for all the experience that has been imparted to myself on this thread.As to your comment, here is a case in point that is kind of sobering. I loved the Alinco DJ-G29, which is a 220/900 MHz radio. Diamond even created an antenna, specifically for this radio, SRH229, which was only for the two bands. I figured it must have been popular, as my radio was back-ordered 4 months at AES. I talked to many people on our 33 CM repeater here in Salt Lake City. Everyone I talked to had had their radio on backorder for a long time, too.Then suddenly -- poof! It disappeared from the market. The only place I've been able to find it is at a little shop in S. California, which had a supply of them before they quit and still have them.Sorry if I'm drawing it out. The point is this. I called Alinco and talked to a guy there about the DJ-G29. I asked him why such a popular radio had just disappeared right after coming on the market. His answer was simple and a bit startling to me. I felt a bit ashamed for some in our hobby. He said that Alinco had ceased making them after a huge amount of pressure came on them of 33 CM hams all around. Some had even said they would boycott Alinco. The attitude, he said, was that there was so much opposition against it because those on 33 CM had to specially mod radios and do all kinds of specialized things to the radios to make them work. They didn't want any "greenie hams" taking over "their" band. In fact, he said, the opposition was so loud against providing these "easy" to use radios, especially for greenies, that Alinco just dropped it. Shame shame! Don't we always say about our bands and radios: "if you don't use it, we'll lose it".I should know it takes a little work. I had a Motorola Spectra modded by a wonderful guy in Vegas. I didn't even have the equipment to do such a thing. He reported to me that he couldn't use a new computer to program it, but rather an IBM 8086 with DOS to program frequencies, etc., if my memory doesn't fail me. He replaced all my caps for free, another good idea with these older radios. And I have a "problem". All the frequencies are hard coded into the radio; I can't change them. If a new repeater comes online, I can't use it with this radio. If I have a DJ-G29, however, i can simply flip to the new frequency, program it, and use it. It only runs on one or two watts on that band, but it's enough for around here.I do like my Motorola, but you have to consider what it takes to get it running. I had to order a Spectra from Ebay within a certain number range on the back of the radio, which indicates the frequency range, among other things. You can't get the wrong one or you're up a creek, and they can sometimes be hard to differentiate from each other, especially with just the Ebay info. Then you have to run it through some processes, such as changing the caps, programming the radio with ancient hard to find equipment. I paid someone to do all this because I either didn't want to do it or didn't know how/didn't have the resources, etc. In order to have a decent signal, I also chose a Spectra that would do 35 W. I bought some LMR-900 -- hard line -- expensive -- even a short 20 foot run cost over $600 -- the coax company charged $60 apiece for special N connectors which would fit the hardline, a special "cutting fee" because no one uses LMR-900, and the expensive x dollars per feet for the coax. Yes, I know there is heliax and other types of hardline. I like the fact that the LMR has a DB type cable. Had to buy a mast for the antenna, buy an antenna, a small yagi, with 17 dBi, etc. etc.Now I know I'm being verbose. Forgive me. I'm just trying to make a point that a 33 CM radio can sometimes be expensive and hard to set up to get what you want. You may need experts to help you. With the DJ-G29 it was possible to plug in a frequency and a CTCSS tone and just talk.What a waste! What a shame! What an "un-ham" attitude.Forgive me if there are mistakes here;; this is what I remember.73 de Shon K6QTShon R. Edwards, MA, AG (Czech Republic)E-mail: sre.1966@gmail.comorShon Edwards715 Strawberry Creek Private Rd.Bedford, WY 83112
Cell: (307) 248-2104On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 2:50 PM, George Hale Jr. <> wrote:Like my Mother always said, "If you do not have anything nice to say, do not talk at all". I'm astonished on how bad some forums treat newbees. Yes, it gets old sometimes answering the same basic question many times, But giving a rude answer will only keep others from seeking help. Do we want the hobby to grow. or wither away as we all get old?On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 2:31 PM, Al Jones <> wrote:I like the give and take from all the people here *except* that there are
times when it's not helpful at all.
We get a new member who doesn't know what he's doing, thinks he's read
everything and is still missing "something" --- and one of our beneficent
members replies "RTFM!" or someone else chimes in with "get the right
cable!" or better yet "That won't work!"
Those one line zingers are not only NO help, they're probably going to turn
off some guy who might eventually be the one to help someone else, down the
I have a friend who had a Linux problem and the response he got here was -
"It works fine with *my* Ubuntu!" Sometimes confirmation that something
works is a big help, it just means that we're not looking in the right
place. When I phrased his question differently I got some great assistance
... there are some good guys here and to them I say "Thanks!"
<< tripping off my soapbox, sorry >>
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