Thanks Jeff,

I'll upload all those that I imported from CSV into the 5888 as they all say 'none', and then see how it goes, it sounds like I will have simplex which is great, this is for a SAR Group, 12 radios, and there's going to be about 150 channels in there, which I'd prefer not to have to edit by hand.

Thanks again to everyone that has helped with this.

John Kellas

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 7:44 PM, Jeff <> wrote:
No problemo, John. If I get a chance to play with it, I'll see if things still behave the same; it's possible I was using an older daily build at the time.

A bit of a problem sorting by xmit frequency for sure. Maybe sorting by receive frequency would be good enough for keeping track of antennas? Otherwise some sort of back and forth import/export/sorting action in Excel, though that doesn't seem like much fun.

But yes, the simplex channels I have are all "none" for the duplex field.

From: John Kellas <>
Sent: Mon Mar 31 17:59:01 MDT 2014

To: Discussion of CHIRP <>
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Cannot program Simplex from Imported CSV

Thanks for that Jeff. That is helpful, as I had forgotten about that edit mode being a possibility.

You mention you had the problem with a Wouxun. I noticed the problem when I first programmed a Wouxun KG-816. I had assumed that when the offset was blank it would Tx on the same frequency, then later discovered I was wrong.

My channels are grouped, they are arranged by Tx frequency so that I can color code the appropriate antennas. So my only dilemma would be if I sort on Duplex, getting them back into ascending order based on the Tx frequency seems like it would be problematic because I don't have a Tx frequency to sort on, just the offset. But if I see Duplex = (None), then in fact I do have simplex after all?

John Kellas

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Jeff <> wrote:
It's been a while, but I remember having similar problems after importing channels from a Wouxun 2D.

IIRC, freqs that I didn't want to transmit on (e.g. public service) suddenly had xmit frequencies on the 5R. I don't remember what the process did to simplex, but in any case I just sorted the CHIRP columns by "duplex," bulk-selected the ones that weren't right, then right-clicked into editing mode to change them all at once.

Duplex = "none" is simplex, and "off" for xmit inhibit.

Hope this helps.
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