On Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 5:01 PM, LeonardKeepers <Leonard.Keepers@comcast.net> wrote:
hi tom thank you for your reply. i did the download from the radio. yes
i saw in manual how to set it to mic pc. two questions have not been
answered. when going to file and clicking on new chirp comes up in dstar
programming mode and my device manager tells me usb to serial connector
com port 4 or 5 depending on which usb port i plug int on my computer.
how do i get out of the dstar programming mode.


You never want to start with File | New.

Once you download from your radio, you have a template for your radio. The File | Save | "OriginalChannels.img as an example. Then do a File | Save As | TH-F6.img to make a working file. Now load TH-F6 whenever you want to edit you channels. Save them back to TH-F6.img and upload them to your radio.